Statesville Board of Adjustment May 2023 Meeting Agenda

DATE:            April 25, 2023

TO:                  Board of Adjustment

FROM:            Xavier Bauguess, Planning Technician

CC:                  Sherry Ashley, Planning Director

SUBJECT:      Regular Meeting

The Statesville Board of Adjustment will meet on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 12:30 pm in the Council Chambers on the 2nd floor of City Hall, 227 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. 


1.      Welcome

2.      Review and Approval of Minutes from the February 7, 2023 regular meeting.

3.      V23-02; A request filed by Ronald Wyatt for three variances from the minimum lot size and minimum lot width established for the R-20 zoning district, which is 20,000 square feet and 100 feet, established in Section 3.04. B., Table 3-3 of the Statesville Unified Development Code. The petitioner’s request is to reduce the minimum lot size to 12,188 square feet and minimum lot width to 71.75 feet for Lot 1 and reduce the minimum lot size to 18,001 for Lot 2, in order to subdivide the current lot, which has two single-family homes into two separate lots, each containing one single-family dwelling; Tax Map # 4724-53-2313.

4.      V23-03; A request filed by Foard Construction Company on behalf of Excel Truck Group for a variance from the predominant exterior building materials, established in Section 6.08. M.1. of the Statesville Unified Development Code. The petitioner’s request is to build a 50’ x 50’ storage building with metal panels with exposed fasteners on 100% of all four building façades; Tax Map #4755-15-9142.

5.      Other Business

6.      Adjournment


·         Minutes – 02/7/2023 BOA Meeting

·         Variance V23-02 Staff Report & Exhibits

·         Variance V23-03 Staff Report & Exhibits

Originally posted by City of Statesville via Locable