Statesville Historic Preservation Commission January 30, 2025 Meeting Agenda

DATE: January 23, 2025

TO: Statesville Historic Planning Commission

CC: Sherry Ashley, Planning Director; Herman Caulder, Assistant Planning Director

FROM: Marci Sigmon, Planner II

SUBJECT: Called Meeting


The Statesville Historic Preservation Commission will conduct a called meeting on January 30th, 2025, beginning at 7:00pm. The meeting will be located at 227 South Center Street in the Council Chambers on the 2nd Floor.


1. Welcome

2. Roll Call

3. Discussion and acceptance of September 26, 2024 HPC Meeting Minutes due to inclement weather and no quorum.

4. Review and approval of October 10, 2024 HPC Meeting Minutes.

5. Consider Certificate of Appropriateness (COA25-01) from Clear Capital Investment Group LLC, represented by Shane Haffey, to replace the wrap around front porch flooring, replace the wrap around front porch ceiling, install railings on the wrap around front porch, and replace the existing windows in the house with new windows on the property located at 300 Kelly Street; Tax Map 4734-86-9935.

6. Consider Certificate of Appropriateness (COA25-02) from John Staford, representing Delaware Print House LLC, to install a new driveway, install new fencing in the front and side yards, construct new exterior steps on the front porch, remove existing front door wood steps and replace with brick steps, and rebuild existing front plinths with brick and cap with faux limestone caps on the house located at 423 West Front Street; Tax Map 4734-84-7339.

7. Nominate and elect chair and vice-chair for the Historic Preservation Commission.

8. Other Business

9. Adjournment

View the full meeting packet here

Originally posted by City of Statesville via Locable