Statesville City Council Winter Budget Retreat

February 12-13, 2025

Statesville Fire Station 1 822 Fifth Street

DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Retreat Agenda HERE

DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Packet HERE

DOWNLOAD Strategic Plan Memo #7 Attachment HERE

DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Retreat Minutes Day 1 COMING SOON

DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Retreat Minutes Day 2 COMING SOON

Meeting Agenda:

Wednesday, February 12

9:00-9:15 Welcome and Intent of the Retreat

9:15-9:30 FY 2025 Achievements, Smith

9:30-10:30 Budget and Development Forecast

a. Revenues and Expenditures, Memo #1, Smith

b. Development, Memo #2, Ashley

c. EDC Update, Bosser

No Action Required

10:30-11:30 Growth Strategies, Memo #3, Ashley

Action Requested: Approve the proposed growth strategies with or without refinements.

11:30-12:30 Fourth Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Future Planning, Memo #4, Harrell & Vaughan

No Action Required.

Potential Closed Session – Contract

12:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:00 Employees, “Developing Our Team,” Memo #5, Everette

Action Requested: Provide guidance on topics provided. What is the Council willing to pursue if revenues support it?

2:00-3:30 Six Year CIP, Memo #6, Smith and Staff

Action Requested: Council should identify projects that are non-starters and understand these requests are balanced with other operational or staffing needs.

3:30-Finish Strategic Plan Measurables, Memo #7, Pierce

No Action Required

Thursday, February 13

9:00-9:15 Welcome and Review of Previous Day

9:15-11:15 Proposed Rate and Revenue Changes, Memo #s 8-10, Smith, Harrell, Leis, and Moore

Action Requested: Receive the proposed rate increases and provide guidance on what is acceptable.

11:15-12:00 DSDC Organizational Moves, Memo #11, Pierce

Action Requested: Does the City Council want to move forward with this proposal?

12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:30-2:00 Other Potential Initiatives

a. Streetscape Extension/Expansion, Memo #12, Pierce

b. Civic Center Parking Lot, Memo #13, Hubert

c. Micro-Transit, Smith

d. Affordable Housing Fund, Smith

Action Requested: Provide guidance on topics provided. What is the Council willing to pursue if revenues support it?

2:00-3:00 Prioritization Process

Action Requested: Staff will lead the Council in a process to prioritize the needs and proposals presented in the retreat.

3:00-3:30 GO Bond Referendum, Memo #14, Smith

Action Requested: Is the City Council interested in moving forward with a Bond Referendum?

3:30-4:00 Voting Update, E. Kurfees

4:00-4:15 BUILD Grant Discussion and Advocacy Strategy, Smith

Action Requested: Determine if an advocacy trip is necessary and who will attend.

Conclusion and Adjourn

Originally posted by City of Statesville via Locable